Thursday, 6 June 2024

4:30 pm / Welcome


5:00 pm 
Gesa Foken
 & Carolin Höfler Introduction


Drawing between 
Text and Image I

Chair: Marco Hemmerling


5:30 pm
Peter Bertram
4 Diagrams


6:30 pm
Exhibition opening
Collective Drawing
by Lukas Hamilcaro

Friday, 7 June 2024


Drawing between 
Text and Image II

Chair: Marthe Krüger


9:00 am 
Marc Pfaff 
Line and Number: From the Operative Abstraction of Form to the In(ter)vention of Plan Drawings in Architectural Practices of Pre- and Early History


10:00 am
Christian Driesen 
Disturbing Drawing: 
Doodling as Disfigurement


11:00 am / Break


11:30 am
Lidia Gasperoni &
Diana Lucas-Drogan
Performing the Counter-Mapping as Intervening Drawing


12:30 pm / Lunch


2:00 pm / Trip
Kolumba Museum
Word Script Sign 


3:30 pm / Break


Drawing as
Objection I

Chair: Jason Men


5:30 pm
Mbaye Diop 
le dessin, du numérique 
à la matière; de la matière  au numérique

simultaneous live translation 
into English by Simon Meienberg

Saturday, 8 June 2024


Drawing as 
Objection II

Chair: Jason Men


9:30 am
Larissa Fassler 
Building Worlds


10:30 am / Break


Drawing as

Chair: Gesa Foken


11:00 am 
Canan Akoglu 
From Sketching to Prototyping: The Power of Collective Creativity


12:00 pm
Björn Kühn 
Technoid Realism


1:00 pm / Concluding Remarks 


1:30 pm / Lunch